
Isn't It Ironic?

I hate entering grades into the computer. It's tedious and requires concentration and other people can't do it for me.

So this year I have adopted this new thing where I input grades every day. Where I would normally wait until the day grades are due and try to type in thousands of grades in a period of 45 minutes, I am now entering a few grades for about ten minutes per day.

That's why I was so excited last week, because I knew that I wouldn't have to stay late after school for the bi-quarterly Gradingpalooza, since I'd kept myself current.

Especially with my freshman English class. I've been VERY good about putting their grades in the computer. So good, in fact, that I had actually FINISHED their grades fully TWO DAYS ahead of time. I was on the verge of throwing myself a party; that's how big a deal it was.

And then I got three new students.

O, Irony, you're a jerk awesome.

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