
School Shopping

As the reading program coordinator, I get to do the requests for supplies for all five of the teachers.

I don't know if this is because I'm a teacher, but y'all. I LOVE school supplies!

Today I paged through a catalog for HOURS. And I don't care if it's weird, but I really like knowing all the colors Post-its are, or that ballpoint pens now feature a new sleek design, or that three-ring binders come in twenty-seven different sizes. That is like ice cream to me.

Furthermore, I am not ashamed to say that I spent quite a while determining which was the best plastic sheet protector, and what kind of filing cabinet I want.

And naturally I just requested the cheapest option available, but it's nice to know the POSSIBILITIES.


grundgetta said...

Same here. I like to visualize and compare. I love to try out new pens and see which feels the most comfortable. Haha I sound like such a freak.

Mei said...

Actually, that sounds pretty normal to me!


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