
Poker Face

The play opened Friday, and Hollywood will be calling any day now, probably.

The Friday crowd was lukewarm, but the Saturday and Sunday audiences were great--really responsive and totally into it.  Even though the actors work hard, an audience can really affect performances positively or negatively.  I'm glad that, so far, the effect has been pretty good.

Saturday after the show, this guy came up to me and asked, "Can I tell you something about your performance?" 

I answered, with dread, "Um ... okay."

And he said, "I've acted in ______, and I've directed a bunch of shows with ______, but I've never seen someone with such amazing facial expression onstage."

I thanked him, but I'll admit that I mostly don't know what he's talking about.  I never use my face to show emotion.

My face is always perfectly blank, in fact.

It's really one of my worst traits, this complete lack of emotion.

So I don't know where he got that idea.

Totally blank.  No way to tell what I'm thinking.*

In other news, here's me not showing emotion during the actual play.

I admit I added this one in hopes of making my mom faint.

*As I write this, I can feel my face pulling itself into various expressions.  My stupid face is always making a liar out of me.


Vinny said...

I'll have the shotgun ready when the pretend mailman delivers the mail tomorrow...

Mei said...

I look at this picture every day, because--how conceited is this?--I think my skin looks amazing. I totally ignore him and look at my gorgeous face!


Made by Lena